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Chers clients,

Dear customers,

Full of hope and positivism for the recovery in March 2021 ...

Attached you will find the list with our help with your reopening.
We can all do better, and new horizons are opening up for us, refocusing and offering you a more personalized service.

We invite you as soon as possible to
discover our future new facilities in Mons

In the meantime, prepare for your reopening at a low price!
Promote your business and differentiate yourself.

the NEW list of our sales pro New and expo is attached

or available by clicking here

Et bien d'autres encore à découvrir en show-room sur rdvou par téléphone au 0032 (0)478959575, indiquez nous votre recherche pour mieux vous aiguiller. Réservez vite par mail avec vos coordonnées ou mieux par téléphone. Voir aussi autres matériel et formations sur notre site.

Les Professions Médico Esthétiques

Les Professions Médico Esthétiques

Take advantage of our exceptional discounts

direct in the showroom of by e-mail

I wish myself  unsubscribe  newsletters from the Medico Aesthetic Professions.
For more information, please contact customer service at 
Tel: 065 36 30 05 

Website:  - Youtube Channel:

Call us and we will give you all the advice you need.

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